Endless Bounty CSA: The fruits of late fall & winter

PageLines- apples_istock_crop.jpgA relatively new phenomenon, winter CSA’s (community supported agriculture farms), are starting to pop up with more frequency in Bucks County. It works the same as a CSA during the regular growing season. You buy a share, which gives you produce every week for a certain number of weeks. Our CSA, Anchor Run Farm, offered it this year to their regular CSA members and farmer Sandy Guzikowski of Guzikowski Farm is offering it again this winter.

Collard greens; photo by L. GoldmanEndless Bounty is a “dynamic” CSA,  with a flexible structure for sourcing products. The weekly offering will change based on availability from various farms so it is dynamic as opposed to the standard CSA where all products usually come from one farm. The CSA will source from the Guzikowski farm as well as other farms in the region. This arrangement offers expanded product choices and lets your food purchasing power support multiple family farms that use organic methods or Integrated Pest Management.

Butternut squashYou may wonder, what is available at this time of year? Actually, with the growing demand for local food, farms in this region have worked to extend their season and provide crops into late fall and winter.

Greens, root vegetables, squashes, core fruits and lettuce are some of what you’ll find. The potential list includes: apples, onions, garlic, potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, daikon, radishes, turnips, rutabagas, beets, lettuce, bok choy, kale, collards, chard, spinach, tatsoi, mustard greens, cauliflower, broccoli, broccoli raab, cabbage, winter squashes, cranberries, Asian pears, fennel, mushrooms, salad mix, brussels sprouts, radicchio, arugula, escarole, and parsnips. The CSA will also be offering eggs.

Garlic; photo by L. GoldmanIf you are flexible, enjoy a variety of seasonal produce and like to support local agriculture, this may be for you. The Dynamic CSA is designed to be a mutually beneficial relationship that provides consumers with a diverse variety of locally produced food in a way that supports sustainable agriculture. If this philosophy speaks to you, consider joining the CSA.

The 10 week program starts in mid November, ends in mid January and costs $250. Members can choose to pickup at a Bristol drop-off location on Mill St., or in Yardley just a mile from the farm. If you have questions or would like a brochure, please contact Sandy Guzikowski at sandygfarm@gmail.com.

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